
Blog Goals 2010

Okay okay, so nobody but me is interested in my personal blog goals...you don't have to read this post if it is boring to you. It's fun for me.

I'm reviewing/revising the last blog goals that I had:

1. Post often: i.e. every week on this blog, every week on Jane's blog, and every week on our family blog. Since we moved a billion miles away from all our siblings, I'm thinking about writing a monthly email update (SHORT! Don't worry!) to send to everybody, but also to post on the family blog, possibly? My blog archives say that I wrote 53 posts in 2009. That's an average of once/week. Of course, I did write like 5 in one day a few times. But hey. I swear that soon I will update Jane's blog. I know that's the one that people actually care about.

2. Organize my labels. Yes I will get to that.

3. Increase my followers to 25 by next year.
Okay, so with the google followers I think I now have 7 or 8. But with my feedburner subsribers, it's like 39. So that's good.

4. Increase my feed subscribers to 25 by next year. CHECK!

5. Comments: Get at least one comment per post. So here's why I completely changed my template AGAIN. My mom has been telling me for months that she couldn't comment on my last template. I just thought...well...sometimes she's not the most tech savvy person. But then this week I had like 4 people tell me on facebook that they couldn't comment either. Sorry to underestimate you, mom! So I found a blog template that should be easy peasy for people to comment on. I'm not so much digging the whole transparency thing. Thanks, Kelly, for recommending http://shabbyblogs.com - I found the one I like on http://www.yummylolly.com (I'm glad she changed her name to "yummy lolly" from "suck my lolly". That just sounds dirty! But her templates are good.) So NOW you can comment!

6. Post more about my spirituality. I haven't really done this so much yet. But I can and should.

7. Weekly Polls: I really think that polls are cool on blogs. I want to have one about once/week. Actually, I tried this for a while on my other blog, and it wasn't as cool as I thought it would be. No more.

8. By this time next year, 4,000 hits!!!!! I think I will make that goal, as it's only January and I have 3,300 something hits.

9. No complaining posts. Well..................................that's easier goaled than done.

10. Monthly Funny Things post. This is a good idea.

New Goals:

11. Post a picture and/or a link with every post. That's more interesting and fun for people to read.

12. Do a sidebar list of all the books I've read in 2010.

13. Do a sidebar list of all the movies I've seen in 2010.

14. DO NOT CHANGE TEMPLATE FOR 6 MONTHS: I can change the template again in June, but not before. If I do, it will be a pain in the rear. It is actually ALWAYS a pain in the rear to change templates. Sigh. Maybe someday I will get into making my own, because it seems a lot more productive than searching miles and miles of the internet and only encountering junky crap that people try to pass off as templates. Sigh.

Okay that's it! Let's get cracking.

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